作为名词就是 刮样,简单讲,一个刮样drawdown 就是调色师在调出颜色后,用刮刀在纸上刮出的小样;对于胶印工作来说,制作刮样 是了解油墨在特定纸张上的确切效果的最佳方式。
如果作为动词就是 刮墨测试
如果是涂料行业,则可以称之为 刮涂或压延
drawdown test 就是刮涂测试,
drawdown bar 就是刮涂棒,涂漆棒,线棒,湿膜刮涂器
Simply put, a drawdown is a sample spread of ink that your print provider presses onto a paper. For offset printed jobs the drawdown is the best way to see exactly how the ink will look on a given paper.
A means of evaluating the color mixing of a printing ink by depositing a layer of the mixed ink on the surface of a substrate using a smooth-edged knife. Drawdown is one of three basic tests used to determine the accuracy of color matching and mixing processes, the compatibility of the various inks combined, the performance of the ink on the substrate, and the drying characteristics of the ink. Drawdown is also called pulldown. (See Color Mixing, Ink. See also Pat-Out.)