2017年9月12日,爱色丽(Xrite) 推出新型多角度分光光度仪系列MAT系列
该系列目前包括MA-T12和MA-T6,以及全新的QC软件: AutoQC
爱色丽之前的多角度系列为 X-Rite MA68 and MA94, MA96, MA98
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — September 12, 2017 — X-Rite Inc. and its subsidiary Pantone LLC today announced a next-generation family of portable multi-angle spectrophotometers that sets a new standard for characterizing effect finishes. The new MA-T12, a 12-angle device, and the MA-T6, a six-angle device, are the first instruments to combine color imaging and multi-angle spectral measurement to quantify color, sparkle and coarseness. These new devices allow customers to more precisely define and control the extreme effect finishes now commonly used in the automotive, plastics, coatings, and cosmetics industries to reduce defects and achieve more efficient quality assurance.
“The MA-T family represents a significant advance over current multi-angle measurement technology,” said Chris Winczewski, vice President, Strategy and Product Planning, X-Rite. “The combination of a color camera and up to 12 angles of measurement gives manufacturers and their supply chain partners an entirely new level of sophistication in the definition and measurement of even today’s most extreme effect finishes. This new technology delivers results that more closely approximate the way the human eye perceives color, reducing approval cycles, minimizing costly rework, and accelerating time-to-market.”